Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mural Updates

Here is the display at Berkeley City Hall, 2007-2008. The chart included names of artists and a small thumbnail of the artwork, a good format for acknowledging participants.

Another way to display the mural is to extend the tiles in a long line (in this case, one tile high and twelve tiles long)

And...the Disability Mural is traveling. It will be part of Art After Dark, "Beyond The Ramp", at the new Tampa Museum of Art in Tampa, Florida. This event takes place in July, 2010, and the mural will stay on into October.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mural Documentation Guidelines

If we have sent you a tile, there is a label on the back with a number on it. Please fill out as much information as you can. You can email it to info1@cforat.org or fvalesco@cforat.org or include a printed copy of this sheet in your package.

Tile Number (on the back of the tile) __________

Top Section
First name ______________________________
Last name ______________________________
Date __________________
Phone/TTY _____________________________
Address _______________________________
City ___________________________________
State __________________
Zip ____________________
Email _________________________________

Bottom Section
Please try to think of at least three keywords that describe your tile. Examples might be family, wheelchair, overcome. You can add more information on a separate piece of paper. This might include a description or explanation of the subject in your tile, something about you or the person who made the tile, and anything else you would like us to know.

Keyword #1____________________________
Keyword #2 ___________________________
Keyword #3 ___________________________

Let us know if you have used any of the materials listed below to finish your tile. If you prefer, we will put a protective seal on your work.

Acrylic varnish (some good brands are Liquitex, Golden, Nova)____gloss _____ matte_____ other (please specify)

Anti-graffiti varnish ______________________________brand

Please varnish tile for me ____________

Additional information
Materials used in the work (paint, markers, collage, etc.) __________________________________________
Title (if any) _______________________________________

If you are sending us your own tile that meets the guidelines (see "The Disability Mural Technical Guidelines"), include the above information on a separate piece of paper with your tile. You can also attach a label to the back of your tile.

Return all material to:

If you have any questions, email us at info1@cforat.org, visit the website, http://www.cforat.org, or call 510-841-3324 (voice) or 510-841-5621 (TTY)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Updates on the Disability Mural

The Disability Mural is now back at CforAt after the exhibit at Berkeley City Hall opposite the 5th floor elevators (displayed from August, 2007 to August, 2008). Look for its permanent installation at the new Ed Roberts Campus at the Ashby BART Station, Berkeley, CA, now under construction. Installation photos will appear on this blog when the building is completed and the mural in place. In this photo, from left to right, are Dmitri Belser, President at Ed Roberts Campus and Executive Director at Center for Accessible Technology, Ed Roberts Campus, an overview of the Ed Roberts Campus construction site, and Frances Valesco, Disability Mural Coordinator.